Jesus and the Aliens: It’s Time to Save Us!
(aka: “Beam us up”)
Dear Jesus and/or the Aliens:
Greetings! I hope you are all very well. Sorry for the combined letter, but I do feel my message applies to both you, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and “the Aliens” (given names unknown at this time).
I am writing because I understand that both of you: Jesus (singular) and perhaps many sorts of Aliens (plural) have promised in one form or another to “come back,” as it were, to Earth — particularly when the going got rough. The Aliens, as I understand it, may already be “here,” but possibly in hiding? I am not totally clear on this. At any rate: Hello!
Having watched several documentaries now on both the “History” and “Discovery” channels, I have felt a huge sense of relief to learn that you, the Aliens, in particular, perhaps brought us here, to this planet, some time ago — with an appointment to come back. Or, even better, you are now here among us, skillfully disguised or hidden and tracking events closely.

I believe this to be true, thanks to “History” and “Discovery” as well as significant anecdotal evidence, such as: My mother’s friends’ report of seeing a “flying saucer” hovering above the Foothill Expressway on the Peninsula, just south of San Francisco, which had them all fighting for the one pair of glasses in their car to get a better look; and also, once, when my entire family saw a UFO off to the right of us in the night sky as we drove down the high hill from my house. Although my husband said “Poppycock!” … the rest of us were convinced. If that was you, “Hey!”
Additionally, I have a friend who is frightened of light bulbs and believes this is due to a possible alien abduction which he cannot fully remember. (True stories!)
At any rate, wherever you all have been, coming back is my main concern and why I am writing this letter. I do believe it is time for you to “come back” and save humanity, as promised. I explain below.
In fact, I am curious as to why the desperate prayers of many millions, if not billions of us to you, Jesus (in particular), imploring you to return have not reached you yet. I have wondered if it might be all the “space junk” and detritus now floating around in the thin, upper atmosphere/orbit of Earth. Perhaps this is creating interference? The Aliens, I imagine, would be familiar with this space junk, having the need to navigate around it — and it seems to me to be a very clear signal that things are not going well.
Humans have now polluted even outer space.
But this is not the worst of it.
I imagine the Aliens who live among us may know pretty well what is going on if they get the papers, pirate cable into their space crafts, or own social media accounts. But since you have not yet shown up to take us back to the Home Planet, or help us clean up our space junk and so much else, I can only assume that 1) Perhaps you are watching or reading too much “fake news” or 2) As in the case of Jesus, the channels are jammed or 3) (Scary to think about) perhaps you are awaiting our imminent demise so you can repopulate the Earth with either yourselves, or a new and improved species that might do better. Perhaps we were just a pilot project gone wrong.

At any rate, if there is any hope at all, I need to stress to you that the situation here is quite dire and frankly, it is high time, if not, actually, well past time for you to come back, and/or reveal yourselves and “save us.”
Where to Begin?
Well, I mean, things have never been great down here. I believe, Jesus, you had first hand experience with this — you know, visiting once before to share a message of radical love and compassion, only to be mocked, reviled and finally nailed to a cross. I am sure that was all a bit of a shock. I feel bad about that.

I hate to say that, although you shared some wonderful, divinely-inspired words of wisdom, things did not go terribly well after your visit. I mean, there was a man called Hitler … Pol Pot, the Vietnam war, Mao-Tse Tung, Stalin, Pinochet, the Ayatollah, Putin, even Ronald Reagan here in the US, who set us on a course of “winners-take-all,” the horrifying results of which we are struggling with today. People in the States (once the “envy” of the world) are increasingly homeless, and becoming drug addicted by the minute. This most wealthy of nations is not taking care of its poor and downtrodden. I just know you would be apoplectic!

Even way, way back, despite the presence early on of a few, impressive matriarchal societies and the relative harmony of indigenous people with Mother Earth, war and bloodshed, greed, lust for power and selfishness seem to have become the rule, rather than the exception here on this planet.
In some nations, where relative prosperity has reigned (although often as a result of violent oppression, indigenous genocide, slavery, and/or unbridled extraction abroad), there has been some sense of internal peace and stability.
Still, a dark veil hides many of the practices of our now globalized industrial-neoliberal consumerism: child labor, forced labor, prison labor and the rapid, often violent destruction of our beautiful Earth and ecosystems, all accompanied by an underlying racist and “wealth-equals-goodness-and-superiority” narrative (I know! Right?) which justifies such exploitation and even the murder and arrest of indigenous activists worldwide who fight to save our rapidly diminishing fresh waters, forests and wildlands.
Sorry! I suspect this is all a real bummer!
But imagine what it is now like to live here!
We are currently destroying the very systems which give us life, including the relatively temperate climate system we were so very lucky to inherit as a species, and which has allowed our, albeit, “problematic” civilizations to develop.
Jesus, given that your father is God, I am going to address you directly. I know your Dad has sent many messengers to us. I mean, there was you. Very impressive! But also others: Mohammed, Buddha, Lao Tzu, the mystical rabbis … more recent prophets and mystics like Ramana Maharshi of India, Gandhi (same) and his student, Martin Luther King, Jr., Krishnamurti, Carl Jung, Sydney Banks, Toni Packer and those still alive, like Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie … the list goes on and on. We should be grateful!

So, I mean, please do Thank God for these people. But I have to also say here: All in all, I believe that we, as a species, have not really “gotten the memo,” as it were.
Many of those that follow you directly, Jesus, and who say so often and loudly seem, now, well … confused. One of your pastors here in the United States recently called for the mass execution of transgendered humans on television! (Are you following this??)
I have read the New Testament several times, and I just don’t recall the part where you called for “executing” anyone. I don’t think you even liked the “throwing of stones” much. I don’t remember your support for gun ownership (maybe knives, back then?), nor were you terribly patriotic.
But many of the same people who claim to follow you have been supporting a former President here who — for all intents and purposes — reminds me more of the “anti-Christ” figure in your book than the “Christ” figure in your book. They claim you are somehow working through him. If so, I find this very disappointing, Jesus. Is it possible you did not choose wisely?
Somehow, I cannot believe you approve. Which leads me to the conclusion that we have more or less lost our minds down here. Our young people have risen up to protest the loss of a stable planet and the resources and ecosystems they will need to simply live in the future. Billionaires and millionaires have set up the global financial system so they can make ever more millions and billions, and now some are seemingly planning to jet themselves and their wealthy buddies to Mars to set up colonies where they might live (in bubbles?) while the rest of us … starve, I guess?
Silver Linings: We are Worthy!
To be honest, there are many of us who have been trying very hard, lo, these many centuries to make things better. Everywhere around the world, there are those of us who do not “worship mammon” (good advice!), but who work with joy and passion to improve the lives of our fellow Earthlings and to restore some balance and health to the natural world (aka: “Creation”).
So many of us — most of us? — also just work very hard to support our families and engage in a relatively positive manner with our communities — and do not seek unreasonable wages, profits, power or world domination. I mean, that could really be the majority of us! We are not all bad!
So, I believe there is still a lot down here worth saving! And, Aliens, I don’t mean to neglect you. Besides our world governments apparently denying all evidence of your existence (maybe we also shot a few of your craft out of the sky? Sorry!), I feel that, overall, we have a pretty good, working relationship. Right?
No major conflicts. No violent skirmishes, even. A lot of people here are your fans! A lot of people are waiting on you! (You too, Jesus.) I know, Aliens, that perhaps you do not feel “seen.” I want you to know: I see you. I mean, at least I believe in you.
I don’t know what you are actually doing here, but I want to respectfully ask that if you are here to help, what the heck are you waiting for?
Things have gotten so bad (global pandemic(s), Russia-Ukraine war, global suicide mission of the fossil fuel industry, insane politicians, social media and corporate surveillance, fake news, climate collapse, mass extinction of species, QAnon), I myself recently ran for local office. Think about that for a minute.

Well, so, anyhoo … I don’t want to overstate my case (which would actually be somewhat difficult, what with authoritarianism, white supremacy and fascism on the rise in the Western World/Global North), but I did want to drop this note. I had the thought: Well, maybe no one has actually written you all to even ask yet! Then, it just seemed like the least I could do.
If I am wrong about your intentions to return or to “save us,” please forgive me. Maybe you Aliens are just biding your time, as I said before, until we self-destruct as a species, and then you can come in and make Earth your playground? Your extraction site? Your satellite office? (I do hope you can withstand nuclear radiation if that’s the case.)
And I dearly hope you do better here than we have done. It’s a truly beautiful planet, even still. Most of us love it. What’s not to love, really? … I hope you care for it tenderly and mindfully, as we have not.
Jesus, your many followers here still believe you are coming back. Again: a little hustle in your bustle might not hurt.
But I have also read some words of yours that give me pause. I believe you said “the Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” and “if I go not away, the comforter will not cometh unto you.” A lot of your brother and sister prophets speak similarly, saying that divinity is within each of us, that God’s voice speaks within each of us, leading us to greater love, courage, caring and compassion.
If this is true, perhaps you could ask God to turn up the volume?
And whatever you all do, or whatever we now do, as humans — we who are so capable of the good, beautiful and true, as well as the “evil,” cruel and truly terrible — let’s maybe try to be quick about it.
The clock is ticking.
Thanks so much for your attention to these matters!
Yours Truly,
United States, Planet Earth