I understand this and yet I also am part of a Facebook group of Christians who are against Trumpism. Many of them are afraid to even speak about their own vaccinations or even deaths in their own families from COVID. Not to their fellow church members! Here in my county, we have had Trumpist (I guess?) anti-maskers show up at our health officials personal homes with firearms. I am not seeing liberals do this, showing up with guns at people’s homes, being nuts. So I’m just not sure who we are speaking to in terms of bad, obnoxious, judgemental and even threatening behaviors. … I never insult people on social media nor call them names, but I have been called libtard, eco-fascist, communist, etc. etc. and I have had people threaten to bash my skull in during the coming “Civil War”.
When I was tracking Parler before January 6, I saw gross plans to rape as many women as possible, unspeakable acts of violence being encouraged and and shared against I don’t know who—Democrats? … So look, this may not be the majority of “either side” who are saying terrible things about one another. I am not sure what to do, except try to arrange for civil dialogues and conversations with deep listening. Living Room Conversations is attempting to do this and I have interviewed the executive director. You can find her interview through my website if you want to or at KSQD.org at Unheard Voices. To be honest sometimes I am not sure what to do when I when it is pretty clear I am up against actual racism and the denial of the rights of others to live and thrive, such as transgendered people and even brown skinned immigrants. I need to stand on the side of human rights no matter what. Deeper dialogues are needed desperately!